Chris DeVany
Before the Coronavirus (COVID-19) appeared, has your workforce been largely office-based? Is this the first time you and your team have been working 100% virtually? If so, then this Webinar is for you! As enterprises have been growing far and wide, often international in scope, we find ourselves as executives and managers with our talent spread farther and farther, often at dozens and hundreds of locations. How do we ‘get a better handle’ on all this? Your work group and your company as a whole can be the catalyst that motivates your teams to heightened productivity. Utilizing extensive practice in the principles of emotional intelligence, Successfully Managing People underscores the importance of self-awareness in developing sensitivity to and better communication with others. You'll leave this Webinar well versed in the most effective methods for dealing with difficult people winning cooperation and trust and ensuring that your people's values and your organization's goals are in sync.
By attending, you will understand how to even more effectively:
• Is this the first time you and your team have been working 100% virtually?
• Would you like to receive valuable tips, tools and checklists to help you manage remotely?
• Are you and your team finding working 100% remotely especially challenging?
• Would you benefit by understanding how to even more effectively motivate and direct the people
you rely on?
• Would you like to be better at delegating?
• How about an opportunity to understand how to turn difficult people and poor performers into
team players?
If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, then come laugh, listen and learn as Chris DeVany leads us all through those important topics, key questions and answers we all need to be able to address effectively to improve our team members' and team's performance!
Chris DeVany
Founder and President of Pinnacle Performance Improvement Worldwide