Managing Toxic & Other Employees Who Have Attitude Issues

Beverly Beuermann-King

60 Minutes
Beverly Beuermann-King

Recorded Version:


In today's challenging work environment, dealing with toxic behaviour is essential for leaders seeking to cultivate a positive and productive workplace. Our program equips leaders with effective strategies to address employee attitude issues head-on. By investing in this transformative training, leaders gain valuable insights into recognizing and controlling toxic behaviours, creating rules of engagement, and navigating difficult conversations through a 7-step process. They will understand the impact of toxic cultures on problem-solving, communication, and collaboration, and learn to foster an environment that supports mental well-being and minimizes destructive behaviours. By delving into the underlying causes, leaders will break free from surface-level addressing and gain the tools needed to promote long-term resolution and growth. By mastering the art of managing toxicity, you will leave with increased confidence, reduced stress, and the skills necessary to lead a respectful, effective, and collaborative team.

Why you should Attend:

• Recognize the Signs of Toxic Behaviours: Learn to identify typical toxic behaviours and understand their impact on individuals and the team as a whole.
• Master the 7-step Process: Acquire effective strategies to navigate challenging conversations, and keep situations from escalating further.
• Control the Impact of Toxic Behaviours: Identify the underlying motivations driving toxic behaviour and learn how to act, not react, to resolve conflicts. Know the PAYOFF.
• Develop Rules of Engagement: Set clear boundaries and expectations for positive behaviour in order to foster a positive work environment and promote a collaborative team.
• Lead with Confidence and Less Stress: Acquire the skills to manage toxic behaviour, leading to increased confidence, reduced stress, and greater success in working with your team.


• Gain confidence in addressing toxic behaviour and fostering a positive workplace culture.
• Acquire practical strategies to navigate difficult conversations and conflicts.
• Overcome time constraints and assumptions about employee interpersonal skills.
• Address the root causes of toxicity for sustainable resolution and growth.
• Enhance your leadership skills and create a respectful, effective, and collaborative team.

Who Will Benefit:

All Professionals

Recorded Version:


Beverly Beuermann-King


Beverly Beuermann-King specializes in working with people and organizations who want to control their reactions to stress, build resiliency against life's challenges and live healthy, successful lives using her S-O-S Principle™. Beverly launched her company, R ‘n B Consulting, in 1995, and since then she has helped teams from a wide range of industries to shift from stressed out to resilient, enabling them to be happier, engaged, and successful. Beverly is a sought-after media spokesperson and has made over 500 television and radio appearances on shows such as City TV and CBC, and in national publications from the Toronto Star newspaper to Chatelaine magazine. Beverly is a highly respected speaker. Diverse organizations from Enbridge Gas and the Ontario Veterinarian Association, to York Regional Police, and the Elementary Teachers Federation, have partnered with Beverly when they want to protect their mental health.