Writing Effective Emails

Jenny Douras

Feb. 28, 2025
60 Minutes
1 PM EST | 10 AM PST | Friday
Jenny Douras

Live Version:

Recorded Version:

Combo Offers

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Live + Recorded


While email has become widely accepted as the default method of communication in business, many employees struggle with balancing appropriate style, tone and construction with the convenience and speed of email. This webinar takes a fresh look at how to use professional business writing principles and guidelines to get the most from email communication by writing effective emails.

Training Class Goals:

• Learn ways to evaluate every word that goes into email messages and what they will mean to the people who read them.
• Understand that the message should be more about the recipient than the sender, and learn techniques to send clear succinct messages.
• Learn to control the tone of an email — to phrase things so that misunderstandings and unintentional emotional provocations don’t occur.

Why you should Attend:

If you are worried that your emails are not as polished as they could be or are not effectively conveying your desired message. This class gives personnel at all organizational levels the techniques they need to communicate clearly, professionally, and effectively through email.


• Clarifying the purpose for your email
• Informing vs. creating action
• Analyzing the audience
• Powerful subject lines
• Getting the message right
• When to include others
• Attachments
• Signature lines
• Sending options
• Replying to and forwarding messages
• Sending to mobile devices

Who Will Benefit:

All business people

Live Version:

Recorded Version:

Combo Offers

Live + Recorded

Live + Recorded


Jenny Douras


Jenny Douras is President and founder of AdvantEdge Training & Consulting and is a national speaker conducting workshops across the country. She has over 25 years of experience in management, employee development, operations, knowledge management, technology, organizational development, and instructional design and training. She has written over 40 courses on Microsoft Office and Professional Development topics, that have been sold around the world.